As rightly said by Confucius, the 6th Century Chinese philosopher, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
There are many people who dream to spend their entire professional life doing what they really love. But there are very few who are actually able to do that. Career is a long term commitment just like all the other things that hold importance in our lives. Many people take up a career path in which they have no interest and end up regretting later.
The ones who suffer the most are those, who have an interest in the field of arts. What stops them from doing what they love, are the many myths that surround the creative field:
- Firstly, things like drawing and art are considered mere hobbies
- People think they cannot make a career out of it
- There is much less money one can make
These myths need to be flushed out. There is a whole new world of creative industries and many avenues have opened up for people with a creative bent of mind. One shining example is graphic design. Today, thousands of companies across various industries are looking to hire people with a professional degree for graphic designing jobs. Ask anyone who is into the field and he/she will tell you that the job rewards them with fun, flexibility and creativity, in addition to a good salary as well as career growth.
Unlike some degrees, those with a professional graphic designing degree are not confined to just one particular industry. Now-a-days graphic designers are sought after by advertising agencies, public relations companies, newspapers, publishing houses and even wholesale traders. Moreover, people have also set up companies dedicated to providing top class design services to businesses.
While a random job search may lead you to a list of jobs, but what many don’t know is that there are different types of graphic design jobs that they can look forward to.
Here are five types of jobs your professional graphic designing degree can land you:
- User Interface (UI) Developer
The role of a UI developer is to build the application interfaces that connect users with the back-end processes and data. For this they need to write codes that meet the usability and accessibility standards. A sound knowledge of web technologies like HTML, Ajax, JavaScript and CSS is a must.
- User Experience (UX) Designer
The work of a UX designer is to create satisfying or captivating experiences for the audience by conducting usability testing on product in its prototype stages as well as when it is completely developed to assess the user experience. They are expected to generate personas and usage scenarios that help create a positive user experience. For this role, you must have an in-depth understanding of web technologies and graphic designing tools.
- Animator
A multimedia artist or animator create animation, special effects, or other visual images using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media for marketing purposes, in case of physical products or services. They are also responsible for creating computer games, movies and music videos. Apart from designing, they are also expected to handle budgets, scheduling and assisting in multimedia campaigns. Additional responsibilities may also include production coordination and progress tracking.
- Emails Marketing Designer
The task of an Email Marketing Designer is to design and execute engaging and visually attractive email communications for an organization. An Email Marketing Designer works closely with other designers, marketing managers, writers and user interface specialists to ensure the fulfillment of marketing strategies without compromising on brand standards. For this role, you must possess sound working knowledge of HTML and CSS.
- Marketing Specialists
Marketing Specialists research market conditions in local, regional, or national areas to gather information about potential sales of a product or service. They may have to do the same for creating a marketing campaign. At times they are also expected to gather information on prices, sales figures and methods of marketing & distribution being employed by the competitors. Also, they prepare reports on research findings, illustrate the data graphically and translate complex findings into simple written text.
Now that you know about different opportunities that are available at a graphic designer’s disposal, think no more and enroll yourself for a professional course. You will be rewarded with a fulfilling career.